Cement, Sand, Fences, Nets, Gypsum plasterboard, Mineral wool, Tools, etc.
Most widespread kind of a building material. It is used for a construction of various designs - from simple fences to magnificent country houses. It is made from easily melt clays, robust and it is durable.
So by your dream of your own home: with the Block 3E built quickly and economically without compromising quality.
Block 3E is characterized by specific chemical and physical characteristics, has high thermal insulation and phonons, which correspond to all standards.
an unusual man-made materials, ecologically pure, light and porous rocks obtained from accelerated burning of special clay and fuses easily able to expand.
Compared with other insulation materials, expanded clay has undeniable advantages. For example, it is not developing insects, rodents and mold.
resistant to abrasion, frost and salt for deicing, easy to install and operate. It retains its appearance for a long time, suitable for industrial and residential areas.
Despite where you use the tile, whether it's parking lots or garages, roads or sidewalks, it is ideal for all requirements. Vibropressed tile is recommended for the movement of cars and trucks.
a hardened Artificial conglomerate, formed from a specially selected mix expanded clay, sand, cement and water. Expanded clay constitutes the major portion of its volume.
building products are made from red-burned clay. Have a wide spectrum of application: improvement and an ornament of buildings, fences, building of furnaces and fireplaces and much other.
Majolic’s products are made from red clay in the potter's way, a pouring method in form. In Assortment: decorative ceramics, household purpose products, ware for hot and cold dishes.
21 December 2012
Поздравление с Новым годом Генерального директора АО MACON Гораш Сергея Ивановича
28 February 2012
MACON JSC congratulates you with the arrival of spring!
18 July 2011
BLOCKS 3E. New House from MACON.
About company Chisinau plant materials - the oldest enterprise in Moldova. Its history began in the late XIX century and comes from a small, brick-tile factory, situated on the northern outskirts of Chisinau. Over the past 111 years the company has undergone several stages in its development and become a multi-faceted production to meet the needs of the construction industry and the population in building materials. |
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| Contacts (373 22) 85-22-33 (373 22) 85-22-32 Daily from 8-00 to 22-00 Seven days a week. |  | | |
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